A fortunate discovery of the gold panners in 1714. Antonina brazil colony, vice kingdoms, Jesuits path, Portuguese colonial architecture.
Nestled in the arms of the sea, the little city in the litoral of Parana, kep faithful to its origins.
Preserved in a niche of green and water, rebellious to he urban explosions. Poetic by nature and style.
Just after going down the sierra, you find gracious road _ first opened in 1873, through the curves of paving stones, bougainvillacos, acacias autumn Brazilian spider flower. And chaste trees of all colors and season and just a glimpse away. The little church of Antonina.
Crystalline atmosphere, privileged water, absence of any poluition.
Simple hearted and communicative, the native peoples seem to be waiting for the time to say to the visitor come again to carnival and to the Nossa Senhora do Pilar day, in August.
If there’s peace in Antonina there’s also confort abundance and much space for adventure and memorable walks and riders. At any time.
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